Donderdag! is a tax-exempt 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization that is solely funded through donations of generous individuals, teams, and businesses with a passion for youth cycling.
We are a volunteer organization committed to being a free resource to any and all young cyclists in the Kansas City metro area. You can help support our mission in a number of ways.
Sponsor a child
A $50 donation will sponsor one young cyclist for a fun-filled, action-packed, enriching Donderdag! season.
Donderdag! runs a tight ship, but we do have annual operating expenses including:
- Insurance
- Race Day Supplies (e.g., bike stands, tools)
- Clinic and Course Materials (e.g., stakes, paint, barriers, tape, popcorn)
- Miscellaneous Corporate Expenses (e.g., legal advice, State/Federal registrations)
Based on the 2019 season, each cyclist participating in the Donderdag! program cost $50.
Your decision to sponsor one or more young riders will have a huge impact on the program
and everyone involved with it.
Donderdag! accepts donations via cash, check, credit card, Venmo, or PayPal. To donate via credit card,
cash, or check, please contact a Donderdag! Board Member.
Our Venmo ID is @DonderdagKC.
To donate via PayPal, please do so here: